The journey towards your new smile

Congratulations! By opening this box, you have made the best decision in your life. You have taken the first step towards your new smile.

You will get closer to your goal each day by using your aligners and you will soon see improvements. Not only in your smile, but also in your confidence.

Daily care and maintenance of your aligners

It's important to take care of and clean your aligners prior to each usage.

  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush with water. It’s important to clean both the inside and outside of your aligners.
  • Don’t use denture cleaners nor soak the aligners in mouthwash to clean them. These products can damage the surface of the aligner.
  • Only use cold or lukewarm water when cleaning the aligners, since hot water can damage them.

The importance of good oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene throughout your treatment is important and there are a few things that are extra important to remember.

  • Remove the aligners for eating and drinking. You don’t need to remove them to drink cold water.
  • Brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack prior to re-inserting your aligners. If you don’t have access to a toothbrush, you can simply rinse your mouth and clean your aligners by holding them under running water. At your earliest convenience, clean them properly.
  • Regular checkups and cleanings at the dentist are recommended to maintain good oral health.
  • Store your chewies with your aligners in your case. Use your chewies everytime you put the aligners on to bite them into place and activate them properly.

Store your Invisalign aligners in the best way possible

It’s important to store your aligners correct to protect them from loss and damages. Use the case that are included in your kit to keep them safe. Important to remember is to save the aligners that you previously used. If your current aligner is lost or broken, your dentist may recommend that you temporarily revert to the previous aligner you used, while the replacement is being made. Keep the aligners away from children and pets.

Frequently asked questions / FAQ

Does it hurt?

No, most people's experience a mild soreness for a few days at the beginning of each aligner/stage. It’s normal and confirms that your orthodontic treatment is working. The soreness usually goes away after a couple of days.

Does wearing the aligners affect my speech?

All orthodontic treatments can affect your speech during the adaptation phase. It's normal since your tongue need time to adjust. If you experience major problems with the fit of your aligners, you should consult your dentist.

What should I do if my new aligners don't snap into place?

Minor differences between the new aligner and the position of the teeth are normal as the teeth need time to adjust to their new position. If this happens, chew on your chewies frequently to get the aligner properly in place. If you notice a larger air gap between the teeth and your aligner when you switch to a new aligner, use your previous aligner for a few more days and then test if the new one fits better. If you still experience problems with getting the new aligner in place, contact us.

Is there any restriction regarding what I can eat?

No. Unlike traditional orthodontics, you can usually eat and drink anything you want since you remove the aligners while you eat. Because of that, there is no reason to establish restrictions as long as your dentist doesn’t say otherwise.

Is it okay to drink with the aligners in place?

If you drink cold water, it's okay to have the aligners in place. However, we don’t recommend drinking anything else when you have the aligners in your mouth. It’s to prevent cavities or stains on your teeth, and also to make sure the aligners don’t become defective or crooked due to hot drinks.

Can I chew gum during my treatment with Invisalign?

No, that does not work. The gum can get stuck with the aligners.

Do the aligners get stained from smoking or snus?

We recommend that you do not use tobacco while wearing the aligners due to the risk of discolouration of both your teeth and the aligner.

Why do my aligner have grooves or bumps?

Depending on the movements required, you may need additional attachments to give the teeth the help they need to adjust their position. These bumps, pits or grooves are for the aligners to grip the brackets on your teeth.

What should I do if I lose or accidentally break my aligner?

Contact your dentist immediately if your aligner is lost or broken. Your dentist might ask you to use your previous aligner and depending on where you are in the treatment, they could order a new aligner for you. Always keep your previous aligners in a safe place when you switch to the next one, in case something happens.

What should I do if I lose an attachment?

If an attachment breaks or falls off, you should contact your dentist immediately.

In rare cases, there may be patients who are allergic to the plastic material the aligners are made of. If this happens, the treatment should be discontinued and professional health care should be consulted. Align Technology should also be notified.

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